“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.”
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Living On Purpose … three words that may resonate with you for very different reasons.
You may be someone who is:
- seeking clarity in your career and a sense of vision and direction in your business life
- redefining what is important to you, what gives your life meaning, your priorities, values and aspirations
- reflecting on ‘what is next?’ following a change in life circumstances, a wake-up call such as redundancy, illness, bereavement, or a significant birthday
- on a journey of discovery, yearning for something different as yet indefinable.
If any of this sounds familiar, you’ve landed on the right page!
I set up Living on Purpose in 2003 to provide support to individuals who were going through times of intense personal change. Typically, clients come to me as they go through some form of life transition, which involves a ‘reinvention’ of who they are.
The one common thread here is transition: the process of changing from one state to another. This is a surprisingly common experience, prompted by any number of things – a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction or incompleteness, in spite of all the trappings of success; a loss of some kind; a re-evaluation at a key stage of your life. It can lead to new direction, meaning and purpose in life, but it is often far from easy. Transition can be a confusing and sometimes painful process; the way can be strewn with challenging obstacles, false turns, dead ends.
Those who have already travelled this path realise that we only reach true fulfilment and meaning by stepping outside of our current life and connecting with a purpose greater than ourselves. I could even call it a ‘spiritual’ purpose. I think I will, just so we deal with the ‘s-word’ early on and get it out of the way.
It is a word that can carry a lot of baggage … but not for me. When I use it, it relates to the human spirit or soul, as opposed to the material, physical side of life. My brand of spirituality, if you can call it a brand, is both grounded and practical.
When I refer to living a spiritual life, all I mean by that phrase is that all we do and are is congruent with our values, and that all aspects of our life reflect that congruence. And I know for certain that there are more ways of living such a life and honouring our spiritual selves than any of us can even imagine.
At various points, I talk about a daily spiritual practice. This simply means deliberately and consciously taking time out to be with ourselves each day. The practice itself could be anything from meditation or prayer to yoga or relaxing in the garden with a cup of tea. All that matters is that the practice is regular, meaningful, and takes into account learning styles, energetic and sensory presence, and personal beliefs.
Necessary spiritual diversion over; back to the main point. The most important lesson I learned from my own experience of life transitions is the value of having a steady guide by your side – to lessen the loneliness, ease the process, enhance the meaning, and facilitate the outcome. This is why I set up Living on Purpose: to help others through similar experiences of transition. You can learn about the various ways in which I do this by reading more about my services under “What I Offer”.