Comments Policy

By commenting, you agree to the following:

  • Keep comments on topic – Any comment that appears to be off-topic will be edited or deleted.
  • No keywords in author names – We prefer that you use your real name or your normal nickname. If we suspect you are using an author name in order to simply include targeted keywords, we will either edit or delete your comment.
  • External linking – External links are acceptable, if they are relevant to the original post and to your comments. Simply linking to your own site or blog post will be frowned upon.
  • Profanity – Moderate your language. We reserve the right to edit out anything we deem to be offensive.
  • Personal attacks – Personal attacks on the author or other commentators will result in an immediate ban.
  • Editor’s right – While we encourage comments that challenge or offer constructive criticism, we reserve the right to edit or remove any post, for any reason.

We appreciate our readers and thank you for adding to the discussions. We hope the above will help you to add value to Living on Purpose, find value in the comments of others, and continue enjoying the site.
